11 Greatest Comic Book Movie Moments Of 2014

2. The Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer Lands

In some ways Age Of Ultron has an unreasonably massive task: to outdo not only the first Avengers movie, but also every single Marvel movie that has already been released without going too overblown or over-reaching. In the first respect that shouldn't be too hard: the third act of the first Avengers movie was far from perfect and the tacked on battle sequence felt like the necessary compromise in having Loki as the main villain, but this time the presence of Ultron and a presumably impressive robo-army should more than fill the hole. How it copes with improving on all of Phase One and Two remains to be seen, but thanks to the revelation of the first trailer there's considerable hope that Joss Whedon has brought together all of the necessary jigsaw pieces. James Spader as the villain is a genius decision, the heavy foreshadowing of Civil War and shades of World War Hulk with Iron Man vs Hulk was brilliant and the genuine sense of threat (and the emotional cost) amped up expectation hugely. And that's not to mention that devilishly gripping take on Pinocchio's theme, which iced the best trailer of the year off perfectly.
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