11 Greatest Comic Book Movie Moments Of 2014

1. Quicksilver's Big Moment

Days Of Future Past could have been a messy soup of too many ingredients: the cast was too big, the split timelines too time consuming and the question of Bryan Singer editing himself sufficiently unlikely. But despite all of that, the film worked wonderfully, and though some characters couldn't enjoy as much screen-time as others without it being six and a half hours long, it was all balanced and varied well, like a tasty soup with just enough ingredients. One of the appearances that basically boiled down to an extended cameo was Evan Peters' Quicksilver, who was brought in as a special team to bust Magneto out and who basically stole the entire movie with a genius slowed down sequence that showcased his powers brilliantly. Bryan Singer of course has previous with the slowed down, mythology building action set-piece - he did the same for Nightcrawler in X2 - but you can see why he wanted to try again given Quicksilver's very particular set of skills and the opportunity to really show off (and add in a few chuckles at the same time). The result was by far Days Of Future Past's best and most enjoyable sequence, and the perfect answer to all of the criticism that was levelled at Quicksilver when his costume was first revealed. Which comic book movie moments do you think deserve to be classed among the best of the year? Share your own thoughts below in the comments thread.
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