11 Hidden Star Wars Movie Details You Never Noticed

10. Outer Space Stormtroopers


The Empire has plenty of variation with their uniforms; each situation seems to have its own design. For the colder temperatures, there's the snowtrooper. For longer-range missions and use of bikes, there's the scout troopers. And of course, for the general army, there's the classic stormtrooper.

But did you know that the Empire has a special trooper class for being in outer space?

In a single scene from A New Hope, a pair of men, in what looks to be slightly varied stormtrooper outfits, can be seen outside of the Death Star as the Millennium Falcon approaches. The outfit appears to be very similar to the standard stormtrooper gear, but also includes what looks to be a jetpack. The one trooper pointing towards the Falcon shows off more differences, as he sports black hand-wear as opposed to the traditional all-white look.

What's amazing is that these outer space troopers never appear again in the entire Star Wars saga. Then again, shouldn't stormtroopers just automatically be able to breathe in outer space? It's not like that armor is supposed to serve any other functions, like maybe blaster protection...

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someone remind me to edit this