11 Hilariously Bad Death Scenes In Otherwise Awesome Movies

1. Talia Al Ghul (Marion Cotillard) - The Dark Knight Rises

Boba Fett Death
Warner Bros.

The Scene: After suffering fatal internal injuries after Batman (Christine Bale) forces her armoured truck to careen off a bridge, Talia al Ghul (Cotillard) gives a final speech before expiring from her wounds.

Why It's Hilariously Bad: This might be the most howlingly terrible scene ever performed by an Oscar winning actor in a major hit movie. After uttering the cliched line, "My father's work is done", she takes two laboured breaths and then nods her head as if falling asleep, but actually dying.

Heightening the hilarity is not only Cotillard's reputation as a terrific actress but Nolan's skill as a filmmaker. It's like everyone just took a nap when shooting this scene (Cotillard literally in this case), or time ran short and there was none left to shoot another, less hammy take.

As dramatic and epic as the end of TDKR is, this woefully, painfully awful death scene does stifle a lot of the impact.

What other awesome movies are hampered by hilariously shoddy death scenes? Shout them out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.