11 Images That Will Restore Your Faith In Upcoming Movies

2. Mission: Impossible 6

Mission Impossible 6 Tom Cruise Simon Pegg Rebecca Ferguson Ving Rhames

Why We're Worried: Though the last two Mission: Impossible movies were arguably two of the best entries into the franchise, there's still some healthy scepticism attached to the upcoming sixth movie.

For starters, given the series' reputation for operating a revolving door policy with its female leads, there wasn't much faith that Rebecca Ferguson would return for anything more than a cursory cameo, ala Michelle Monaghan in Ghost Protocol.

And Ving Rhames' Luther Stickel? He'll probably get the short shrift once again, right?

Why This Image Rocks: This image, tweeted by Tom Cruise from the movie's New Zealand set, shows both Ferguson and Rhames suited up for a mission, suggesting that they might have a more substantial role to play than the series' prior history would suggest.

With Jeremy Renner sitting this instalment out due to scheduling conflicts with Avengers: Infinity War, keeping them both around for the entirety of the movie makes a whole lotta sense. Ferguson in particular was the best thing to happen to the series in years, and not giving her a meaty role here would've been a colossal - if believable - mistake.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.