11 Insane Upcoming Movies You Won't Believe Are Real

7. The Human Centipede Director's New Film, Where Women Masturbate Over 9/11 (The Onania Club)

The Onania Club
Six Entertainment Company

The "brainchild" of the Human Centipede franchise, Tom Six, returns with a new movie later this year, The Onania Club.

The recently-released teaser trailer shows that Six has lost none of his aggressively self-regarding edge, with it depicting a room of women masturbating to video footage of the 9/11 attacks. Because of course it does.

Plot details are scarce for now, but Six has promised the film will be "one of the most vile, inhumane movie experiences of all time", yet has also promised "mostly strong female characters” and a movie that will “definitely pass the Bechdel test with flying colours."

It's not exactly easy to trust Six to do his female characters a respectful service, but at the same time, is anyone really interest in a dignified, tasteful Tom Six movie?

It's probably going to be terrible, but if you love envelope-pushing trash, it should be an unforgettable time all the same.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.