11 Major Cameos To Expect In Avengers: Age Of Ultron

3. Bucky Barnes

Last time anyone saw Bucky, he was full of rage at being manipulated into becoming the Winter Soldier and on a personal mission of discovery and vengeance. With Civil War announced it looked like that plot thread might be somewhat overlooked for the flashier Cap vs Iron Man story, but there is a simple solution to making him remain relevant and it starts with an Ultron cameo. Why He'll Appear More an issue of logical supposition, rather than substantial teases of the character's presence: Bucky is looking for further information on his past and to take more vengeance on HYDRA (which in the long term might see the re-emergence of Red Skull), so it would make sense that he'd also be on the hunt for Baron Von Strucker. That might see him cross paths with the Avengers, though it would make more sense for him to actually meet up with Nick Fury, who could talk him into forming a sort of Secret Avengers initiative (which will expand during Civil War) ahead of the next Captain America sequel and to foreshadow him filling Cap's boots on a more permanent basis.

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