11 Major Cameos To Expect In Avengers: Age Of Ultron

6. Nick Fury

Now, the presence of Fury on the cast isn't exactly a revelation, since he appears in the second trailer, but it seems that he's going to play no more than a glorified cameo role. The former SHIELD leader clearly has more of a central role in Civil War as a spiritual figurehead of the anti-registration movement - especially if they introduce the secondary plot of Fury building a Secret Avengers initiative including Bucky - but he's not actually all that necessary as a main figure in Ultron. The whole point of the new Avengers is that Tony Stark's failed leadership is what gets them in trouble: his call on reviving the drone system is what leads to Ultron rising, and it seems that he's the source of most of the friction among the team, including - most excitingly - the clash with Hulk. Fury would only be stepping on toes if he stuck around, and he's not all that useful anyway, as Jackson himself confirmed:
"I€™m just kind of passing by there, you know. I€™m not doing so much, I don€™t think. Because, it€™s another one of those €˜people who have powers fighting people who have powers€™. That€™s why I didn€™t get to New York in The Avengers. There€™s not a lot I could do except shoot a gun."
Why He'll Appear It wouldn't be an Avengers movie without Fury, and it's important not to lose sight of the fact that there are more story-lines going on besides Ultron. Fury's appearance is probably little more than an advice/progress update sort of deal to reveal what he knows of Von Strucker's HYDRA fortification.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.