11 Major Cameos To Expect In Avengers: Age Of Ultron

5. Agent Carter

With Marvel looking to push the Agent Carter TV show a little more - and the fact that it's basically Kevin Feige's own baby project, considering how hands on he is with it - it would make sense that they'd restate the link to the more famous, more popular "bigger brother" the same way Agents Of SHIELD piggy-backed on Captain America to bring in some more viewers. The first trailer offered a very brief shot of Captain America back in his original timeline at what appeared to be a military dance, which would seem the most likely setting for young Peggy to appear again, whether in a dream sequence or something a little more sinister. You can probably put those ideas of time travel away though. Why She'll Appear As with the theories about Hela and Heimdall, Peggy might be no more than a manifested figment of Captain America's psyche. If Wanda does indeed project visions to weaken her enemies then it would make sense that she'd use the deaths of all of his friends, as well as the lost love of Cap's life to torture him - which would be particularly potent if it involved the image of the dance the couple never had before his "death".

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