11 Marvel Cinematic Universe Films That Should Appear Beyond Phase 3

8. The Inhumans

Inhumans With the Avengers already existing in the Marvel cinematic universe and the Guardians of the Galaxy on the way, adding another heroic team might be a bit much (though the Inhumans are more a race, rather than a mere team). That said, to hell with using that as an excuse not to make a movie about them - the fact is they're awesome. The Inhumans' story is great. Originally humans, they were experimented on by the Kree as a means of creating super-soldiers to fight against Skrulls. This genetically altered group went on to form their own civilisation with an array of beings possessing various superpowers, including Black Bolt (with his destructive hypersonic voice and superhuman physical statistics), Medusa (with her prehensile hair and superhuman physical statistics), Karnak (with his ability to sense weak spots and superhuman physical statistics) and Gorgon (with his shock wave generation and superhuman physical statistics). The Inhumans have worked alongside teams such as the Fantastic Four and indeed the Avengers (who, of course, are already in the Marvel cinematic universe) against powerful villains such as Magneto, Doctor Doom, Apocalypse and Ultron (the latter of whom is set to appear in the next Avengers movie in the Marvel cinematic universe), so the potential for future on screen crossovers with existing characters is definitely there. Indeed, an Inhumans movie has long been touted, so it could very easily happen. Here's hoping!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.