11 Marvel Cinematic Universe Films That Should Appear Beyond Phase 3

7. Namor The Sub-Mariner

namor Namor is a very interesting character for all kinds of reasons. His back-story is interesting, he possesses some very cool powers and it's very hard to pin down whether he's an outright hero, an anti-hero or an outright villain - because he's often depicted as all three. Done correctly, he could appear on screen as any of the above. Perhaps he could even start with one particular alignment and develop in to having another. An Atlantean/human mutant hybrid, Namor possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability and longevity as well as flight - and, of course, exceptional swimming abilities and further enhanced physical statistics while he is immersed in water. Namor has teamed-up with villains a lot and fought against fellow heroes a lot, but he's also been strongly associated with heroic teams like the X-Men and Avengers. A movie based around his character is a very interesting idea, but it could be a better idea to first introduce him in another movie (such as a Captain America movie, as they could deal with the kind of political issues that Namor so often gets involved in) whereby he's kind of a villain or antagonist. He could then appear as an anti-hero in his own movie and ultimately team-up with the Avengers or another hero team in the future. Having seen Atlantis clearly on a map in Iron Man 2, the idea of bringing Namor in to the Marvel cinematic universe has obviously crossed the minds of the powers-that-be. It should definitely be something they're still considering.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.