11 Marvel Comics Moments Now Possible With Spider-Man In The MCU

2. Spider-Man: Licensed Avenger

Spider-Man is one cocky guy - and what better way to highlight that cockiness than by flashing his "licensed Avenger" card to police officers? Well, assuming he joins the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of the Avengers (which he will), that could now happen on screen as it did in the comic books (in the comic books, it occurred when Spider-Man handed over a webbed-up Morbius to the police and told them how to deal with him. The police asked him why he thought he had the authority to tell them what to do and he subsequently played the Avengers card, quite literally). It was reminiscent of when Captain America convinced New York police officers to take action in the Chitauri invasion, but done with more Spideyness, and would be great to see on screen now that it's possible.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.