11 Marvel Comics Moments Now Possible With Spider-Man In The MCU

8. Spider-Man Attacks Thanos

Spider-Man's cockiness knows no bounds and his actions in the Infinity Gauntlet story arc did little to change that fact. Countless heroes showed bravery and valour in the fight against Thanos and there are many moments from the arc that fans would love to see in the Infinity War movies (Captain America standing up to Thanos when he was the last man standing, anyone?), but Spider-Man's moment of glory is definitely one of the better ones. Whilst the already incredibly powerful Mad Titan was wielding the Infinity Gauntlet (which effectively made him God), Spider-Man had the audacity to fire webbing into his face before swinging in with typical audacity to hoof him right in the face. He did, of course, prove unsuccessful in helping to take Thanos down at that point, but it was awesome nonetheless.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.