11 Memorable Dying Words In Movies You'll Never Forget

10. "I am a leaf on the wind..." - Serenity

2firefly future

Wash, played by Alan Tudyk, was the finest pilot ever to man a Firefly-class spaceship. Throughout the all-too-short-lived Fox series Firefly, Wash kept us on board by flying like a champ and delivering one-liners like Henny Youngman. Though the follow-up film Serenity, didn't quite match up to the TV series, it was still a formidable sci-fi effort from Joss Whedon and crew. But then Whedon had to do what he always does which is to destroy that which we love. When Wash is suddenly and inexplicably stabbed through the chest at the end of the film, it's a giant metaphor for Whedon forcing his own violent sexual congress on the hearts of Firefly fans worldwide.
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