11 Memorable Movie Characters Under 5 Foot

4. Chucky (Child's Play Series)

Child's Play Chucky There isn't much scarier than a creepy-looking doll. That is until said doll comes alive and starts killing people with a really big knife - then he becomes awesome (in an evil way, of course). Chucky was previously Charles Lee Ray; a murderer who, whilst dying, transferred his soul in to a Chucky 'Good Guy' doll using a voodoo spell in order to keep himself alive. He then continued where he left off in his life as a human €“ as a cold-blooded killer. For someone so small to cause so much havoc over the course of so many movies, you have to give the little guy credit - even if he was an absolute swine.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.