11 MORE Movies That Led To Other Movies Being Cancelled (And Why)

9. Rio And Inside Out See Pixar Abandon Newt

Tomorrowland Tron 3

Pixar are no strangers to troubled productions, and many of the animation studio's most beloved movies have been born from some major behind the scenes issues. That being said, Newt remains the only one of the studio's projects to have ever been canceled after being officially announced.

Animation veteran and frequent Pixar collaborator Gary Rydstrom was initially set to spearhead the family film, but as is the case with a surprisingly high amount of their output, he was eventually cast aside and replaced by Monsters, Inc's Pete Docter, who soon lost all interest in Newt altogether.

Not only was the story deemed to be too similar to Blue Sky Studios' Rio, which would arrive in theaters first, but when Newt fell into Docter's hands he ended up pitching the Pixar a higher-ups an entirely different idea instead, one that would eventually become Inside Out.

As a result Newt was officially canceled in May 2010, with Rio going on to earn over $480m the following year before Inside Out topped $850m globally and won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2015. Rydstrom did eventually make his feature-length directorial debut, but Lucasfilm's forgotten Strange Magic ended up being savaged by critics and bombed hard at the box office.


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