11 Most Exciting Captain America: Civil War Rumours

10. Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes' Relationship Will Be Explored

Although this might seem like an obvious one - and, therefore, one that is almost certain to happen - it really isn't, given everything else that will be going on in this movie, but seeing Captain America/Steve Rogers and the Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes trying to get over their issues and reconciling their friendship from the World War II days would be really nice. Captain America is really still trying to find his place in the modern world and the return of the Bucky he knew as a friend would help him to do that enormously. The obvious way to enable that to happen would be to have Bucky side with Cap in the Civil War and, hopefully, the duo will get a chance to build up a relationship similar to the one they used have before Steve Rogers dies (although Bucky taking on the Captain America mantle once he's dead would be cool and a heart-warming way for him to posthumously reconcile with his friend). It should also be noted that there may be a sub-plot revolving around the decision of whether Bucky should be regarded as a war hero or reprimanded for his actions as the Winter Soldier.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.