11 Most Insane Things Happening In Movies & TV Right Now (Dec 7th)

2. Johnny Depp Was Haunted By Tom Hanks On Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands Johnny Depp
20th Century Fox

Johnny Depp now seems like the kind of actor who you'd expect to be pretty confident in his own ability. He's made billion dollar movies and still attracts star billing even after a string of less successful releases. But back when he was making Edward Scissorhands with Tim Burton, he was gripped by fear and anxiety that he was going to be replaced every day on set.

In a 1999 interview between Depp and Charlie Rose - which Heat Vision unearthed this week - Depp revealed that he spent the first two weeks of the production - and indeed of Ed Wood AND Sleepy Hollow too - thinking he was going to be fired. Clearly, Tim Burton is an excellent people person.

He also went into more specific detail to reveal that he was specifically anxious about the thought of Tom Hanks of all people stealing his role as Edward Sicssorhands and just not being told. Here's how he told the story:

“I can remember when we were doing Scissorhands we were living in this sort of resort, some kind of country club thing, and there was a knock on the door … one afternoon while everyone was off rehearsing,” Depp said. “There were two young girls at the door and I thought, ‘Oh, they found me and maybe they want me to sign something, I don’t know.’ So, I opened the door and said, ‘How do you do?’ and they said, ‘Hi. Is Tom Hanks here? Does he live here?’ I said, ‘What? No. Not yet.’ And I was convinced that Hanks would be replacing me. I was convinced. It was one of the most frightening moments in my career.”

Imagine Hanks as Edward Scissorhands!! Not even Tim Burton is that strange. Does make you wonder why those fans were there, though.


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