11 Movie Cliches You Couldn't Live Without

9. The Inspirational Speech

X Men Origins Wolverine Explosion

The Cliche: When humanity is at a low point, a hero rises up to rouse his comrades for war, issuing a passionate message of hope that the war isn't over yet and is still to be fought for.

Bill Pullman's terrific Independence Day speech is easily the most famous example, The Lord Of The Rings franchise is full of them, Pacific Rim has a great one ("we are cancellin' the apocalypse!"), and though it actually subverts the trope, who can forget Samuel L. Jackson's superb monologue in The Deep Blue Sea (mere seconds before being munched by a shark)?

Why It's Awesome: Again, it's just a great way to get pumped for the upcoming battle and feel like you're with the heroes as they head into battle.

It can also be a majorly cathartic and dramatic moment if it follows a sequence in which the heroes are defeated. We all need hope in our lives, so scenes like this have an intrinsic appeal, cheesy though they often are.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.