11 Movie Cliches You Couldn't Live Without

7. The Magic Teleporting Serial Killer

X Men Origins Wolverine Explosion
Paramount Pictures

The Cliche: No matter how smart the horror movie protagonists are (which usually isn't very), the psycho killer will find a way to teleport to their location, regardless of far away he seemed to be just a few moments ago.

This one's especially prevalent in the Halloween and Friday the 13th franchises, though is pretty damn widespread throughout all of the genre.

Why It's Awesome: This is a pitch perfect example of a screenwriter not giving a s*** about narrative logic for the better: they typically know that the audience are rooting for the killer and want to see as many gory kills as possible, so logic only really needs to be minimal enough to get butts in seats.

Hell, it's approved enough by fans that the upcoming Friday the 13th video game actually allows those playing as Jason to teleport to the location of their intended victims, mimicking the absurdly implausible nature of Jason's mobility throughout the movies.

At this stage in horror lore, teleportation only adds an even creepier, more mystical quality to the antagonist, making them a phantom who can assail the terrified victims no matter what, why, where or when.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.