11 Movie Predictions You Can Take To The Bank

6. Marvel Studios Will Suffer a Box Office Catastrophe

MarvelMarvelWith the exception of Pixar, Marvel Studios has the most consistent track record in Hollywood when it comes to commercial success. With the superhero genre arguably at an all-time high in terms of popularity, each movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to do impressive box office numbers. It is inevitable that this winning streak will come to an end eventually, and the studio will suffer their first financial failure. The real question is which movie will land the unfortunate honor? The Incredible Hulk, regarded as the unwanted stepchild of the MCU, is currently the lowest earner from the studio to date with a theatrical gross of $263.4m against a budget of $150m. That sounds disappointing, but when you consider that the movie generated over $60m in domestic home video sales and factor in overseas numbers and merchandising, Louis Letterier's effort would have turned a tidy profit for the studio. It is nowhere near Iron Man or Avengers numbers, but The Incredible Hulk was far from being a flop. Further sequels to The Avengers, Captain America and Thor have virtually no chance of becoming commercial failures, so the dubious title will fall to one of the studio's original features. Ant-Man could prove to be a tough sell given the potential ridiculousness, with the well-documented behind-the-scenes problems also capable of harming the final product. Doctor Strange could be a little too fantastical for many cinema-goers, or one of the multitude of rumored productions (Black Panther, Nick Fury, Black Widow etc) could be greeted with apathy. It could even happen a couple of weeks from now if general audiences fail to be convinced by the outlandish spectacle promised by Guardians of the Galaxy, but based on the potential glimpsed in the marketing so far, let's certainly hope not.
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