11 Movie Scenes Only Shot For The Trailer

7. The Three Stooges

Austin Powers
20th Century Fox

There's no question The Three Stooges are among the most influential comedy troupes in cinematic history. For nearly 50 years, Larry, Curly, and Moe have entertained legions of fans with their vaudeville antics and slapstick humour.

Having said that, the goofy trio's comedy hasn't aged well. Poking someone in the eye was hilarious a century ago. Nowadays, this gag is... kind of dumb.

So, when the trailer for the 2012 remake of The Three Stooges was released, people weren't impressed. Even though the lead stars emulate the original ensemble perfectly, their farcical jokes are cringey by today's standards.

Hoping to get butts in seats, the trailer included a shot of a beautiful nun wearing a preposterously inappropriate bathing suit. The jokes in the teaser may not have landed, but this provocative shot definitely stood out.

However this moment didn't make the cut. Because this scene would've had The Three Stooges slapped with a PG-13 rating, it had to be removed. As far as we know, this scene cannot be watched in its entirety, since it wasn't included in the DVD's deleted scenes.


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