11 Movie Sequels That Turned Badasses Into Total Wimps

2. Hicks (And Newt) - Alien 3

20th Century Fox

To be fair to the other two survivors of Aliens' atrocities they were never really given an opportunity to show their wimpiness, because they were unceremoniously dumped on the KIA list before the film even started. In the grand history of character abuses, the decision to cull Ripley's adopted family ranks about as high as possible, and though it goes some way to pushing Ripley back into her most appealing discomfort zone (from where she always did her best work) it's a betrayal of their characters.

After all, Newt has spent an extraordinary amount of time stealing survival from within an invaded colony, and Hicks was the rough-neck to end all rough-necks in the first sequel. Both proved themselves unkillable despite ridiculous odds (and in Hicks' case worse injuries than other franchise characters actually died of) and for them to be rendered so disappointing for the sake of emotional impact felt terrible.

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