11 Movies That Should Really Have Sucked (But Somehow Didn't)

2. This Is The End (2013)

This is The End If you haven't seen the movie, the plot outline for Seth Rogen's recent comedy horror flick This Is The End probably sounds like the most self-indulgent and ridiculously smug pile of crap to have ever found its way into theatres: a bunch of Hollywood actors, playing themselves, are trapped in James Franco's house whilst the apocalypse rages outside. Hilarity ensures. What appeared to be an excuse for a group of comedy A-listers to get together and make a movie turned out to be surprisingly different to what most of us were probably expecting, though - here's a flick that somehow defined expectations and its own naff premise to deliver a movie that was both candid, hilarious, frightening and kind of touching. The fact that almost everyone in the cast was willing to parody their images is what makes this work, though - the sense of smugness is diluted almost entirely because the actors poke fun at themselves from start to finish, cleverly parodying their public personas and saying things we probably never expected: Emma Watson saying the F-word, for instance.

All-round pop culture obsessive.