11 Movies That Should Really Have Sucked (But Somehow Didn't)

3. Trollhunter (2010)

trollhunterTrollhunter. Say that name out loud to yourself a couple of times. There's no way that a movie bearing that title could be anything but terrible, right? And yet€ well, you've probably got the premise behind this article now, so you get the idea. This Norwegian movie, filmed in the "handheld camera" style, sounds like the kind of flick you'd rent on for a "bad movie" night - anybody who chose to watch it in that mindset presumably found themselves shocked to be staring not a genuinely interesting and well-crafted feature film, though, despite the fact that - yes - it clings to a story about a grizzled veteran hunting for trolls. Don't laugh: the world glimpsed here feels fully-realised, dense with references to Norwegian folklore - as a result, we get to glimpse a variety of brilliantly-conceived troll characters and some truly epic battles. Although the movie knows how ridiculous it is, it also has the guts to stay true to its conceit: the characters here are serious about their situation. It drags in places, but what a unique ride it is.

All-round pop culture obsessive.