11 Movies That Were Far Better Than They Had Any Right To Be

9 & 8. Rocky Balboa (2006)/Rambo (2008)

Rocky RamboWhy They Had No Right To Be Any Good: Exploiting Franchises For No Reason When Hollywood tough guy Sylvester Stallone announced that he planned on making final movies in his two most iconic franchises, Rambo and Rocky, everything thought that he had totally insane, and was criticised for mounting sequels that nobody really thought to be a good idea. How little the public knew about Stallone's agenda, though, given that his belated sequels to both Rambo III and Rocky V emerged totally triumphant. This came as relative shock, given that it didn't seem logical that any of these two movies should even exist - given the way that they both ended, and how old Stallone would have to be in order to star, it just seemed illogical. But Rocky somehow made a sixth installment feel relevant, the poignant swan song that it was, wheras Rambo emerged as a miniature masterpiece in movie violence. Both films are arguably the best in their respective series since the originals.

All-round pop culture obsessive.