11 Movies Where The Reshoots Were Painfully Obvious

2. Fantastic Four

The latest Fantastic Four movie seems destined to go down in movie history as one of the classic troubled productions. In the modern era when there are problems on a movie set that information is going to get leaked eventually. So there was no hiding the many clashes director Josh Trank had with his cast, crew, 20th Century Fox or even his landlord, and the final version of the film shown in cinemas is one he doesn't seem happy about. Neither was anyone else.

People watching the released version can instinctively feel that something is off. The pacing feels strange with a slow first hour suddenly followed by a rushed, CGI heavy finale that feels like a completely different movie. Lots of big scenes that were widely seen in the trailer (such as The Thing dropping from an plane onto a military base) were missing in the final cut. But the easiest way to tell if a scene is reshot is to look at Kate Mara's hair; if it's a hideous wig than that's a clear sign it was part of the hasty reshoot.

The pick-ups didn't help the bad buzz surrounding Fantastic Four and it eventually tanked at the box office. Trank tweeted before it came out that he had a version that was much better before it was taken away. Based on the evidence available this seems unlikely.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.