11 Perfect Times Actors Went Incredibly Dark

9. Leonardo DiCaprio - The Wolf Of Wall Street

The Wolf Of Wall Street Quaaludes
Paramount Pictures

For all the misconceptions of him as JUST a romantic lead, Leonardo DiCaprio has always been more impressive in challenging roles that give him something to get his teeth into. And his turn as Jack in Titanic was very much a calculated diversion that elevated his profile, but which is in no way reflective of the rest of his career.

That said, for all the complexity in the roles he seeks, it took him a long time to fully embrace the darkness. Sure, he flirted, but for the most part, dark things happened to his characters, rather than him orchestrating them.

That much changed in both Django Unchained, where he was outright detestable and The Wolf Of Wall Street. And it's the latter that really deserves more attention for how DiCaprio took to the darkness of his character. Sure, his Calvin Candie is a bad guy, but morality to him doesn't exist - he is his own law - for Jordan Belfort, the law and all sense of morality is something to be negotiated to his own desires.

His hedonism and sociopathy ranks up there with Patrick Bateman and the way he romanticises his own mythology as he's writing it is as impressive as it is despicable.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.