11 Questions From The New Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer
8. Why Is Nick Fury Back (And Still In Charge)?
Everyone knew Samuel L. Jackson would be returning as Nick Fury, as confirmed in the first tease, but the second trailer offers up a little bit more - he speaks. OK, Jackson's voice coming out of Fury hasn't been a novelty since Iron Man, but given where audiences last left the character, running off into hiding without his trademark eye patch, coming back like this raises questions. Namely, why, despite being very much on the back-foot, is he speaking with his typical insightful and confidence? The end of The Winter Soldier had him heading out on the run and, despite giving Agent Coulson and his team a hand in the Season 1 finale of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., he's been pretty under the radar. Ultron's probably the reason he's come back, but why with such bravado is unclear. Jackson is currently working his way through a nine-film contract, with Age Of Ultron marking his seventh appearance, meaning Marvel will want to make the most of their hot property.