9. What's Making Hulk Lose Control?
One of The Avengers' most inspired decisions was to dramatically alter one of their biggest heroes, at least from how the public generally perceives him. Bruce Banner, a character known best for the TV show's "don't make me angry" suddenly had control of his anger, removing the character's pervasive mental strife and allowing for an incredible transformation shot. In The Avengers, Loki managed to bring out the beast, but given how he quietly sat through the Mandarin twist of Iron Man 3 it seemed like Banner has everything down. Like in real life, however, it looks like Banner's only able to keep a lid on it for so long. Early on in the trailer Mark Ruffalo's Banner is seen wrestling with his inner-green-meanie in what appears to be the Avengers Tower. Clearly the film's back in angsty territory, but the big question is why? What's causing the character, who's calm when not around Infinity Stones, go mad?
Alex Leadbeater
Film Editor (2014-2016).
Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle.
Once met the Chuckle Brothers.
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