Excitement (and skepticism) is at a fever pitch right now, as the first teaser trailer for Batman v Superman landed last week, sparking a ton of speculation and also renewing fresh criticism that the movie is going to be an utter disaster. Ever since the project was first announced, it's been met with a mixed chorus of joy and negativity, with many suspecting that Zack Snyder simply doesn't have the chops to deliver such an ambitious project, with other reasons also contributing to all the hate. Some of the haters' worries are certainly justified, but it doesn't make them right: though critical favour on the level of The Avengers doesn't sit in Snyder's favour, it doesn't mean that Batman v Superman won't be a grand success, and there's plenty of evidence to suggest all the haters are wrong. From the source material it's inspired by to the insane cast, the fine talent working behind the scenes and everything else, there are plenty of logical arguments to diffuse all this negativity surrounding what will probably be 2016's biggest movie (sorry, Captain America: Civil War). It's reasonable to go in with an open yet judgmental mind, but don't let yourself get to clouded by either blind fanboyism or effusive pre-hate. Here are 11 reasons the haters are wrong for Batman v Superman...
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.