11 Reasons The Haters Are Wrong For Batman V Superman

11. Batman V Superman Is A Fairer Fight Than It Sounds

What The Haters Think: "How can Batman even begin to fight Superman? Won't Supes just fly rings around him and then punch him square in the jaw? It's no contest, so the movie sounds stupid." Why They're Wrong: The comic versions of this battle have actually come up with a number of novel ways in which Bats has managed to level the playing field. Firstly, there's his bada** armoured Batsuit (featured in the teaser trailer), as well as using Kryptonite to bring the Man of Steel back down to Earth, and more subtly, the fact that Superman doesn't want to kill Batman (or anyone), so he has to rein in his powers anyway. For the movie, it's most likely to be a combination of the suit and Kryptonite which makes the fight seem a little more fair, and this should easily paper over any criticisms that the film is just a giant mismatch.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.