11 Recent Movie Plot Twists You Never Saw Coming

7. Orphan: First Kill - Tricia Is A Killer

Malignant Annabelle

Orphan: First Kill, a belated prequel to one of the finest studio horror films of the 2000s, is absolutely fine; it's watchable and modestly entertaining. This mid-film twist, on the other hand, is astonishingly good. 

First Kill sees Leena (Isabelle Fuhrmann) escaping from an institution and fleeing to the United States by posing as Esther Albright, a missing girl from a wealthy American family. Later in the film, when Leena goes to confront a detective who's onto her, Esther's mother Tricia (Julia Stiles) suddenly walks in and calmly, coldly shoots the man dead and reveals that she knows perfectly well Leena isn't Esther, and has done from the very beginning. 

Esther's brother Gunnar accidentally killed her during an argument, and Tricia faked the entire abduction to keep him safe. It's not only a shocking twist, but it skilfully one-ups the film as it turns into a battle of wits between Leena and this brutal, cunning femme fatale who's a terrific antagonist played excellently by the underrated Julia Stiles.

This rug-pull is the one thing that's likely to really stay with audiences after Orphan: First Kill concludes. 

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.