11 Recent Movie Plot Twists You Never Saw Coming

6. Bloodshot - The False Memories

Malignant Annabelle
Columbia Pictures

This one is a bit of an anomaly because, for some ridiculous reason, it was given away by the trailers. However, if you go into Bloodshot without having watched those trailers - like your writer did - this is actually an excellent plot turn and easily the smartest thing in what is otherwise a rather silly movie.

For its first half, Bloodshot appears to be telling the story of murdered soldier Ray (Vin Diesel) who, having been resurrected with experimental nanite technology that has turned him into a superhuman, is seeking revenge on the people who murdered him and his wife (Tallulah RIley). Once Ray kills Martin Axe (Toby Kebbell), the apparent culprit, the film drops a mid-film twist that flips the entire story on its head. 

It turns out the one who apparently saved Ray, Dr Harting (Guy Pearce), is the real villain. He's implanting false memories in order to trick Ray into killing various people who he wants dead, and the man Ray has just killed was innocent. In fact, Ray's 'wife' is alive and well, and she and Ray were no longer together when he died. 

This was a fascinating turn of events, and it transformed Bloodshot from being a generic revenge thriller into something more complicated and compelling. This twist didn't necessarily save the film as a whole, but it definitely improved it. 

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.