11 Shameless Movies That Were Just Rip Offs Of Classic Films

6. Avatar = Dances With Wolves

DWW Sigh. After Battle Royale and The Hunger Games I was hoping I was done with these high profile entries, but then up comes this behemoth. You all remember Avatar. The film that was everyone€™s favourite for three months, made shed loads of money and tricked you into thinking 3D was more than a tool for having things thrown out at you by throwing things out at you. It€™s been almost four years since James Cameron returned to directing, but the criticisms of the film€™s lack of originality still abound. As everyone who saw the film realised, Avatar was little more than an environmentalist adaptation of the British arrival in America, with humans the English and Na€™vi the Native Americans. I could draw up the in-depth similarities, but you€™d likely just skip the paragraph because we've all seen it before. Avatar€™s similarities with several other films on the topic was raised upon, but the one closest to Cameron€™s overly long Oscar loser is Kevin Costner€™s Oscar winner Dances With Wolves. With a soldier becoming close with the Indians and eventually joins them, a rerelease of this much better film with a multicolour filter may have been a more enjoyable watch. And yes, I could have drawn even more parallels with Fern Gully, but, even more so than with Battle Royale, no one had heard of that before.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.