11 Shameless Movies That Were Just Rip Offs Of Classic Films

5. Cars = Doc Hollywood

Doc I like Cars. Please send your abuse on a postcard to: It Wasn't A Bad Movie Crescent People Weren't Sold On The Initial Idea City They Were Impossible To Win Over-shire G1V 1T4* *Not a real address But in all the criticism of the placement of eyes (Cars 2 showed how crazy the popular idea looks) and unworthiness of Mater as a character (I€™ll give you that one), few commented on the similarity between Cars and Doc Hollywood. Sure it€™s been commented on since, but the amount of similarities between the two should surely override the above. Doc Hollywood€™s a early nineties rom com which traps the cocky Michael J. Fox in a backwater town. But as we've seen on this list it takes more than a sweeping plot similarity to land here. From the recollections of the good times at the most crucial moment, to the happy ever after ending, each beat, not just the general plot is that same. What€™s most ridiculous is that Fox€™s cocky Ben€™s prized possession is, yes you guessed it, a car. It even causes the accident that traps him there. Makes Cars 2 look positively original (disclaimer: no it doesn't).

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.