11 Things Justice League Must Avoid

11. Superman Showing Up Before The Third Act

Batman V Superman Henry Cavill
Warner Bros.

With Superman "dying" at the end of Batman v Superman and appearing to begin his resurrection in the final shot, fans are rightly wondering exactly when he'll show up in Justice League.

Now, considering that the Man of Steel is an icon of unimaginable stature, Warner Bros. surely won't want to keep him off-screen for too long, but they need to resist the temptation to be trigger-happy. Instead, they should hold off on bringing him back until the film's final third.

For starters, Justice League will be kept plenty busy introducing audiences to Aquaman, The Flash and Cyborg, and there's Steppenwolf to deal with on top of all that. Most importantly, though, Superman's death actually has to mean something, and if he returns 40 minutes into Justice League, it's going to feel rather inconsequential.

Instead, if he shows up for just 15 minutes when the chips are down in the climactic fight against Steppenwolf, his return will feel much more impactful and reverent. He can be the deciding factor that vanquishes Darkseid's uncle, and by the time Justice League 2 rolls around, he can be a fully fledged member of the team to battle Darkseid himself.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.