11 Things You Learn Rewatching Octopussy

5. The Palace Fight Is Ludicrously Entertaining

Octopussy Palace

Legitimately thrilling and well-crafted action that can actually be taken seriously is in depressingly short supply in this movie, but there is one brief mid-film set-piece that low-key steals the show.

Shortly after Bond arrives on Octopussy's floating palace and takes her to bed, the pair are attacked by a fleet of armed men, who hurl chained saw-blades at them and try to finish the job with hatchets.

It's an agreeably rough sequence that, by making Bond struggle against the men, makes Moore's age less of an issue, while playing-up the danger of Bond's adversaries.

The most awesome moment, inevitably, sees Bond grab one of the goons and shove him head-first into an octopus tank, after which the octopus attaches itself to the guy's face, Alien-style.

The only complaint is that Octopussy isn't given enough to do - she fires a tranq gun and that's it - but in one of Bond's very silliest outings, this sequence actually has a real sense of grit and violence to it, brief as it is.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.