11 Things You Learn Rewatching Thunderball

8. Emilio Largo Is A Totally Mediocre Villain

Emilio Largo

Following the lead of Goldfinger - arguably the very best Bond villain there is - was always going to be a thankless task, but SPECTRE's Emilio Largo (Adolfo Celi) is an especially tepid pick, lacking the intelligence, ferociousness or simple intrigue to be more than a totally middling Bond baddie.

His ultimate scheme - which amounts to stealing two atomic bombs and holding the world to ransom - isn't terribly imaginative or interesting, and while it might've passed muster half-a-century ago, today it's positively snooze-inducing. Compare it to Goldfinger's Fort Knox plan, which is still clever and impressively barmy in 2018.

Without the personality, plan or imposing physical characteristics to hang with the best, he's nothing but a bland, forgettable Bond villain.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.