11 Things You Learn Rewatching Thunderball

9. Bond Casually Rapes A Woman

Thunderball Masseuse

Revisiting the earlier Bond films can often be a cringe-worthy experience, if only to witness the patent lack of respect Bond shows to female and minority characters. Thunderball, naturally, is no exception.

When Bond visits the Shrublands sanatorium early on, he's seen to by an attractive nurse, and almost as soon as she begins checking over his body, he grabs her and forces her into a prolonged kiss.

The woman manages to tear herself away eventually, but things get worse. After Bond suffers through a "motorised traction table" mishap on her watch, he effectively blackmails her into shagging him in exchange for not reporting her negligence to her employer.

What could be sexier than holding power over someone and telling them, "I suppose my silence could have a price." Even for early Bond, it's incredibly gross, and as blackmail negates consent, it's actually rape.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.