Marvel: 11 Ways The MCU Is Definitely Laughing At You

3. Having One Good Villain. Seriously. One.

With the eleventh MCU film incoming this month (that includes The Incredible Hulk whether you like it or not), Marvel have managed to introduce a grand total of one compelling villain. Some have flirted with greatness, like Ronan The Accuser and Red Skull, and entire films have had their villainous intrigue hooked more on a feeling (like The Winter Soldier), but there's no-one who even vaguely troubles Loki for the top spot. The rest have been poorly written, under-developed and pantomimey - elements that held back both Ronan and Red Skull in fact - while some, like the Chitauri, the Dark Elves and the Frost Giants were nothing but cannon fodder. And yet Marvel are still praised for their work establishing a traditional binary moral universe.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.