12 2017 Movie Characters Who Probably Died Horrible Deaths

1. Ngoc Minh Quan - The Foreigner

The Foreigner Jackie Chan

Cause Of Death: Assassinated by British police.

Though The Foreigner ends with Ngoc Minh Quan (Jackie Chan) exposing politician Liam Hennessy's (Pierce Brosnan) involvement in the recent terrorist bombings, it's also revealed that Quan is being watched by Scotland Yard, yet Commander Bromley (Ray Fearon) ultimately opts not to pursue any further action against him.

While Bromley might've shown Quan mercy, it's incredibly difficult to believe that someone in the chain of command wouldn't covertly authorise a hit on Quan in order to tie up loose ends and ensure that no civilians would know the full extent of what took place.

Considering Quan's low profile among the general public, it wouldn't be particularly suspicious if he was pushed in front of a bus or given poison to simulate a heart attack. He won't be lasting long, that's for sure.

Which 2017 movie characters do you most suspect died horrifically? Shout them out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.