12 "Adult" Movie Moments Sony Don't Want Kids To See

2. "This Man Has No Dick" - Ghostbusters

This Man Has No Dick
Sony Pictures

Obviously, Sony clearly believe that the pleasure in watching Ghostbusters comes in the silly pratfall comedy, the wacky characters, and the ghostly effects. That can be the only justification for that god-awful reboot they put out, anyway.

So it should come as no surprise that they'd make the films available as Clean Versions, because that would require cutting all of the edgy, darker material that appeals to the old school fans. There's not a great deal in there, but the adult moments add seasoning, and the idea that we wouldn't get the single greatest line in the entire franchise because it has a rude word in it is just unthinkable.

And sadly, there's no way to cleverly edit out Venkman's dickless jab without cutting the entire, beautiful thing. Sacrilege


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