12 "Adult" Movie Moments Sony Don't Want Kids To See

1. The Night Gwen Stacy Died - The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Gwen stacy spiderman
Sony Pictures

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is not a great film by any means, but it's also not the abomination it was labelled when it came out. It was just a little misguided.

There were still some stand-out moments in there, and seeing the Night Gwen Stacy Died captured on the big screen finally was actually among the high-points. That and Jamie Foxx's delightfully hammy performance are basically the only things that make it worth rewatching, actually.

So it's a shame that there's no way a Clean Version will show off that intense, poignant death scene in the way it deserves to be - with Marc Webb's sense of melodrama and the almost visceral heart- and back-breaking moment that ends her life. It works in the uncut film because it's so pronounced and so awful, and censoring it will rob the film of one of its only truly authentic moments.

Which "adult" Sony movie moments do you wish they'd leave well alone? Share your suggestions below in the comments thread below.


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