12 "Adult" Movie Moments Sony Don't Want Kids To See

8. All Of The "Humour" - Grown Ups & Grown Ups 2

Grown Ups 2
Columbia Pictures

Okay, so some things are a good thing to not have to put up with.

Quite why either of Adam Sandler's awful Grown Ups movies qualify as part of the Clean Version programme remains a little baffling. Why would kids want to watch a film about adults enjoying the nostalgia of reliving their youth? It is absolutely not for them.

And in making it for kids, Sony will have to remove all of the puerile comedy: the dick jokes, the sexual innuendo and the violence that is cartoonish but would struggle to get it under a kid-friendly censorship threshold. The result will be a completely mirthless experience trading on unlikable douche-bag characters... Wait, that's what it is already...

Then again, kids do love Sandler's films (though not his own, apparently) so it must just come down to familiarity trumping logic.


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