12 "Adult" Movie Moments Sony Don't Want Kids To See

6. Ricky's Blindfolded Driving - Talladega Nights

Talladega Nights Blindfold
Sony Pictures

Again, Will Ferrell's comedy has a fairly strong appeal to adult audiences (perhaps not entirely mature adults, but adults all the same), and having his films clipped for kids is just weird. Still, here we are.

Talladega Nights would presumably need to have its raucous behaviour toned right down, but since kids are impressionable and censors seemingly think they'll do what they're shown on screen without thinking, it's unlikely the film's silliest scene will make it in.

On his journey back to the top of the game, Ricky Bobby is retaught how to drive by his estranged, pot-dealing father (a detail no doubt edited out), including having to drive blind-folded. Sadly, according to conventional censorship guidelines, it would be too violent to show, robbing the film of a pretty key development scene.


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