12 Acclaimed Recent Movies Everyone Will Eventually Hate

2. Dunkirk

Dunkirk Tommy
Warner Bros.

The Acclaim: Considered by many critics to be the best film of director Christopher Nolan's career, this war film earned near-universal acclaim for its direction, performances and overall visceral impact, and will be sure to end up on a lot of year-end critical best-of lists.

Why Everyone Will Hate It: No critically successful director in modern times has received as much fan push-back as Nolan, in large part because his fanbase is so huge, and his movies generate such ridiculously lofty expectations.

Take Nolan's Inception, which while widely-lauded was loathed by many for alternately being "incomprehensible" or "too silly", while The Dark Knight Rises received raves upon release before being torn apart as illogical and lazy by many fans, and of course, Interstellar generated solid praise but a lot of fans deemed its loftier ideas less-than-convincing.

Dunkirk is just the latest Nolan film to be put under immense, arguably unreasonable scrutiny by his fans, lambasted for its perceived lack of emotional depth, the "unnecessary" non-linear plot structure and frequently inaudible dialogue.

More than anything, though, the likelihood that Dunkirk may very well win the Best Picture Oscar (it's currently the odds-on favourite with many awards pundits) will definitely ignite an even more ferocious backlash, as many will deem the movie "terrible" because it apparently didn't deserve the win the big gold statue.

It's just a matter of time, basically.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.