12 Actors Who Have Basically Just Become Cartoon Characters

2. Robin Williams

You will probably fall into one of two camps with your opinion of Robin Williams: either you think he's highly overrated and always difficult to watch, or you think he's a talented actor who's lost his touch recently. Evidence for the latter includes his excellent performances in Good Morning Vietnam (1987) and Dead Poets Society (1980), and his incredibly creepy role in One Hour Photo (2002). His skill at improvisation is well-known, but it's a tired shtick if reviews for his new sitcom The Crazy Ones are to be believed. Williams plays serious dramatic parts well when he restrains his comedic ability, so although he's been hit-and-miss in the last few years, a couple more films like One Hour Photo could rid him of the audience's expectations for good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjIBX5RrG4Q

Grace Murray hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.