12 Actors Who Must Play Marvel Villains Before 2028

4. Michael Chiklis - Kingpin

Chiklis Kingpin When the Daredevil TV show lands, it's likely we will get an answer to the Kingpin conundrum, but until then Michael Chiklis - formerly the Thing, of course - will continue to be suggested as the perfect choice for the hulking arch-nemesis. The first attempt at bringing Daredevil to screen committed many sins, but the casting of Michael Clarke Duncan as Kingpin was one of its more inspired moves: the script ultimately let the performance down somewhat, but what that casting got right was that any actor tasked with that role would need to be a dominant screen presence. And though Chiklis doesn't quite have the lumbering physique of Clarke Duncan, he is a solidly built man, and his powerful performance as Vic Mackey in The Shield is the perfect answer to any questions related to his presence. Chiklis would bring the required menace, and he's the sort of actor who could sell Wilson Fisk's rags to criminal riches backstory as well as the authentic power he has over his underlings. Who It Definitely Shouldn't Be: Kevin Durand in a fat suit (see X-Men Origins: Wolverine).

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