12 Alternative Versions Of Sci-Fi Movies We Didn't Get To See

3. A Darker Logan (Where He Somehow Lives)

I Am Legend Make Up Test

James Mangold’s swan song for the Hugh Jackman version of Wolverine, one of cinema’s most loved and longest lasting superheroes, needed to change a lot of its source material. Wanted scribe Mark Millar’s uber bleak and gory Old Man Logan was too brutal to become the elegiac hard-R adventure we saw in 2017, necessitating all manner of changes before production began.

For one thing, Sabretooth and Magneto’s actors, Liev Schreiber and Ian McKellen, both expressed interest in an appearance which never came to be, whilst Drive’s musical mastermind Cliff Martinez was originally drafted to provide a (presumably far synth-ier) score.

Meanwhile the Westchester incident, only obliquely referenced in the film proper, almost saw Wolverine killing off scores of civilians and his fellow X-men onscreen, a pretty hard fall to come back from in the eyes of the audience. Meanwhile Jackman had originally wanted Wolverine to survive the events of the film, an odd call which would have robbed the flick of its tragic tone and powerful denouement.

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